Emotional Wellness: A Path to Better Mental Health

At Inscape, we understand that emotional wellness is a vital component of overall well-being. Mental health issues can take many forms, from substance abuse and addiction to depression, anxiety, and burnout. However, regardless of the specific condition, we believe that recovery involves improving physical health, engaging in deep introspection, and establishing new patterns of thought, practice, and decision-making. Learn the many ways our emotional wellness treatment programs benefit our guests. 

Types of Mental Health Issues

At Inscape, we provide treatment for a range of mental health issues, including substance abuse and addiction, behavioral addictions such as eating disorders and excessive technology use, emotional health issues such as depression, anxiety, OCD, ADD, burnout, mind and body recuperation from antidepressants and other prescription medications, ibogaine aftercare, and psycho-spiritual exploration. If you are unsure whether our program is suitable for you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to answer any questions.

Recognizing Signs of Mental Illness

Mental health difficulties can manifest in many different ways, and there is no universal marker or standard for determining if someone is suffering from mental illness. While some people may exhibit dramatic changes in behavior, others may suffer acute emotional pain while appearing well-adjusted to those around them. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide if they need and want long-term treatment. At Inscape, we believe that our program can benefit almost anyone who wants to undertake it. We all have room to improve and grow.

Benefits of Emotional Wellness Treatment

Many people who struggle with emotional health may not know where to begin or lack the motivation to address the problem themselves. In-patient treatment can provide a focused and immersive experience in which individuals can do deep work on their core issues without the distractions of their usual routines. Trying to deal with these problems alone, in an environment that may feel chaotic or overwhelming, can be challenging. At Inscape, we offer a supportive and structured community to help individuals achieve lasting emotional wellness.

Steps for Improving Emotional Wellness

While each person's journey to emotional wellness may be unique, there are basic pillars of recovery that we believe are essential. Firstly, taking care of our bodily health through proper diet and exercise is crucial. We also use herbal supplementation to help with emotional regulation, digestion, and sleep. Secondly, developing self-awareness and new perspectives is vital. Finally, developing better self-regulation and new habits, including specific self-care practices, is critical for the longer term.

Unique Therapies at the Inscape Emotional Wellness Treatment Center

At Inscape, we offer a range of therapies to support emotional wellness, including medical treatments, psychotherapy, sacred plant ceremonies, Native American sweat lodge, Janzu water therapy, and classes in various areas. Each therapy, combined with the supportive community in which it is provided, can produce profound changes. The sum of our program is greater than its parts.

Holistic Approach to Emotional Wellness and Lasting Recovery at Inscape

At Inscape, we believe that emotional wellness is a crucial component of overall well-being. We provide a supportive and structured community to help individuals struggling with a range of mental health issues achieve lasting recovery. By improving physical health, engaging in deep introspection, and establishing new patterns of thought, practice, and decision-making, we help individuals achieve lasting emotional wellness. If you are struggling with emotional health, we encourage you to reach out and learn more about our program.

Addiction treatment and recovery can be a transformative journey, one that helps individuals consciously pursue the ongoing task of inner evolution. At Inscape, we believe that addiction is a complex psycho-behavioral phenomenon that requires a comprehensive approach to address it.Our program offers a unique blend of behavioral therapies, self-discovery practices, and tools for long-term success. Learn more about how addiction develops, the mostcommon addictions we treat, and how our approach goes beyond substances.