Carlos Alvear Lopez, m.d., Medical Director
Dr. Carlos graduated from the School of Medicine at the University of Anahuac in Mexico, then received additional clinical training at Harvard University from 2001- 2002. Since 2001 he has led a center of integral health in Malinalco, cultivating organic medicinal plants and refining them into herbal formulas. In 2012, Carlos co-founded Sapientia, an integrative model specializing in emotional support through neurotransmission balance — with the aim of treating and preventing ailments like depression, anxiety, insomnia and dementia. His practice incorporates medical models from around the world, including Chinese medicine and shamanism. He has conducted workshops and consultations in Mexico, South Africa, Spain and Switzerland.
Claudia studied psychology in Santiago, Chile, and earned her Master's in Social Psychology from the Autonomous Metropolitan University in Mexico. She specializes in psychosocial accompaniment and has worked with various NGOs focused on mental health and human rights. Claudia also completed the International Diploma in Multidisciplinary Studies of Psychedelics and Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy from the ECOH Foundation and is currently exploring the intersection of plant medicine with innovative approaches to healing both individual and social trauma.
Pablo Alvear, M.D.
Dr. Pablo Alvear got his medical degree in Mexico City, then studied Chinese medicine at the College of Natural Medicine in Melbourne, Australia. He has a Certificate in Sports Medicine from the University of New South Whales in Sydney and studied Osteopathic Manipulation techniques at Victoria University in Melbourne. He runs SHEN CLINIC, an integrative medicine clinic in Toluca, and does treatments at Inscape that include acupuncture, NADA Protocol, Low Laser Therapy and Phytotherapy.
Andres Limón, Medicine guide
Andres has been a guide of some kind for over 20 years, beginning with ocean and land expeditions that helped him find his own healing from extreme migraines through contact with wild nature. While living on a small Mexican island in the Caribbean he met a traditional healer from the native Wixarika community who introduced him to the path of sacred plants and fire ceremonies. For the last ten years, he has been leading and supporting ceremonies within Native American traditions.
Brenda castro, psychotherapist
After earning her degree in Psychology with a specialization in Education from UAM Xochimilco, she delved deeper into the field of psychoanalysis by completing a master's degree in Psychoanalytic Dimension. Her professional career spans from providing care to individuals dealing with substance use issues to serving as an academic director at a private school. In her private practice, she has worked with children, adolescents, adults, and families. Additionally, another area she is passionate about is teaching, with approximately seven years of experience in this field.
Psychologist, psychotherapist, and coach with expertise in neuropsychology, pragmatic psychology, and somatic therapies. She is the founder of Sana ConSentido, an ICF-certified coach, and an instructor of massage, integrating holistic approaches into her practice. With extensive experience in coordinating therapy sessions, group activities, and classes, she provides guidance, communication, and support to the team of ambassadors, therapists, and facilitators, ensuring a cohesive effort for the greater good of the program participants. Her collaborative approach fosters a unified strategy aimed at optimizing outcomes for all individuals in the program.