Understanding the Impact of Behavioral Addictions on Mental Health and Wellbeing

behavioral addictions and mental health and wellbeing

Experts in behavioral science opine that anything that stimulates an individual can turn addictive and with a habit becoming an obligation it can escalate into an addiction. A host of things including food addiction, internet addiction, sex addiction, video gaming addiction, shopping addiction, and more falls under the umbrella of behavioral addiction. These experts also believe that plenty of differences and similarities are present in diagnostic symptoms between behavioral addiction and drug addiction.

Physical signs are absent in behavioral addiction

Unlike substance addiction, behavioral addictions like gambling addiction, work addiction, and shopping addiction do not present any physical signs but the individuals are likely to suffer the same consequences resulting from alcohol addiction or drug addiction. Some experts also hold the view that behavioral addictions can be reckoned as a controversial concept lying between substance use/impulse control disorders. 

A growing trend in behavioral addiction

The proliferation of the internet and mobile telephone has brought immense benefits to mankind across the globe, but it has also brought along another form of addiction that is as dangerous as substance addiction or alcohol addiction. Internet addiction, online gambling addiction, gaming addiction, and pornography addiction are growing in nearly every nook and corner of the world.

How behavioral addiction impacts mental health 

Psychiatrists and other mental health experts have seen strong connections between mental health and behavioral addictions. In many instances of behavioral addiction, the subjects gradually suffer the kind of mental illness that people suffer from substance addiction, alcohol addiction, and similar forms of addiction. In the absence of any tell-tale evidence or symptom that a person is suffering from behavioral addiction, it gets extremely difficult for parents or other close relatives to ensure that the individual gets the necessary medical attention.

Managing stress 

In many instances, behavioral addiction starts as a means of busting or managing stress such as with video games, and progresses into an addiction. Admittedly, in modern times, most occupations come with a huge load of stress every single day. When people take to over use of the digital offerings to free themselves temporarily from stress, they seldom realize that they are slipping into a more dangerous problem which is a behavioral addiction. Individuals can establish measures to monitor the time they spend in the virtual world to prevent moving gradually to the extremes. Technology addiction treatment centers in Mexico can be a huge help for those who need professional help to overcome behavioral addiction.


Behavioral addiction can be equally or more dangerous than substance addiction for the well-being and mental health of individuals.