Mindfulness and Decision-Making

The intentional practice and application of mindfulness — or present awareness — has existed for millions of years, but was historically reserved for very few people. Nowadays mainstream culture is increasingly adopting this knowledge from religious traditions, along with an approach to life that integrates the practice of paying attention to all experience. That is to say, consciously observing our experiences -- what we perceive, what we think, the feelings that arise -- without judgement nor reaction, regardless of what surfaces.

The effects of Ibogaine and importance of aftercare

Ibogaine, an entheogenic alkaloid extracted from plants in the Apocynacea family or synthesized from the precursor compound voacangine, has shown promise as an effective interrupter of opiate dependency. Clinical studies have demonstrated Ibogaine’s ability to attenuate symptoms of acute opiate withdrawal, reduce drug cravings, and alleviate depression. Research studies show these effects to last longer than 30 days, and additionally that many people treated with Ibogaine maintain abstinence from opiates and other drugs for much longer periods. A small subset of individuals treated with ibogaine will fall back into opiate dependency within days or weeks following treatment and some will relapse after a few months following treatment. Looking at both clinical and anecdotal evidence, it appears that Ibogaine is not a “magic cure” for addiction, but highly effective at helping to facilitate long periods of abstinence and recovery.

What is phytotherapy?

Phytotherapy is the evidence-based use of plants and plant-based products for medicinal purposes. Our phytotherapeutic protocol, known as Sapienta, is a scientific model for achieving neurological balance through nature. It prescribes plant-derived supplements, based on a neurotransmitter test, that promote healing of the brain and emotional and physical well-being.

Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Depression and Seeking Help at Inscape Recovery in Mexico

Depression is a major depressive disorder. It can make one feel hopeless, helpless, and worthless. It negatively affects feelings, thoughts, and actions. 

Depression brings feelings of sadness, along with a lack of interest in activities that you enjoyed earlier. It can result in a range of emotional and physical concerns and reduce your ability to work at home, in school, or at the office. Fortunately, the medical condition is treatable.